How we manage your money

A balanced approach

We emphasize a conservative, pension-style methodology, focusing on what can be controlled and laying a strong foundation for long-term success.

Want to get the wheels rolling?

Magnifying glass


  • Set clear investment goals that support your plan.

  • Assess your risk profile, time horizon, volatility tolerance, savings rate, and cash flow needs.

  • Use realistic assumptions of overall long-term returns as projections.



  • Use account allocation and tax-effective products to optimize after-tax returns.

  • Minimize the costs of selected products.

  • Calculate your unique “cash wedge” – the cash flow you’ll require from the portfolio within the next three years.

Money flow chart


  • Develop a balance of secure and growth investments that align with your investment goals.

  • Diversify your portfolio across asset types, geography, and investment styles.

  • Select and oversee best-in-class product managers with long track records of success.



  • Help you avoid blind spots and market timing. Results are achieved by focusing on small habits and smart choices that compound over time. 

  • Re-evaluate changes in goals, plans, savings targets, and spending needs.