Jeffrey’s Notebook

Welcome to Jeffrey’s notebook. I have decided to start a blog to share some of the insights and interesting trends that we are following in the world of technology and new trends in business. I might also throw in the occasional recipe or commentary on a new product to keep things interesting. I have always had a natural curiosity for technology and have generally been an early adopter.

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Electric cars ‘Endgame’? Not quite yet…

Published by Jeffrey Mackie on May 07, 2019

Spoiler alert — if you haven’t seen the latest Marvel Avenger’s movie “Endgame”, I’m going to give away a key element of the film… just kidding. I’ll discuss a minor detail regarding some automotive product placement and nothing to do with the actual... Read more
Are video games real sports?

Published by Jeffrey Mackie on Mar 11, 2019

If you have overheard the conversational chatter among teenaged boys recently, the term ‘Fortnite’ has likely come up. They aren’t discussing two-week spans of time, but a massive online video game that might be a sleeper phenomenon for those who aren’t... Read more
Reaction to the first self-driving car fatality

Published by Jeffrey Mackie on Apr 05, 2018

Reaction to the first self-driving car fatality. The recent incident involving a traffic fatality from an Uber self-driving car made headlines around the world and reminded me of my blog from last year on the topic. I wrote that blog almost a year ago... Read more
Some days it feels like we are ‘Living in the Matrix’

Published by Jeffrey Mackie on Apr 05, 2018

While the outrage over the use of Facebook data by Cambridge Analytics during the US election seems to have faded, stories of technology invading ever deeper corners of our lives continue to emerge on a weekly basis. Occasionally, I get the feeling from... Read more
Abundance 360 conference 2018

Published by Jeffrey Mackie on Mar 02, 2018

A few weeks ago, I attended Peter Diamandis’ Abundance 360 conference in California and had the privilege to hear a number of fascinating presentations and panel discussions from the likes of Ray Kurzweil (author, inventor and futurist), Astro Teller... Read more
What is the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining?

Published by Jeffrey Mackie on Dec 21, 2017

What is the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining? Since my last blog was posted the price of Bitcoin moved from around $USD 5,000 per coin to over $USD 20,000. I figured that I had better get another blog out on the topic before the price moves up another... Read more
So what’s the deal with Bitcoin?

Published by Jeffrey Mackie on Oct 19, 2017

Source: In the same week I read a news story on how professional traders are looking for ways to profit from the inevitable collapse of Bitcoin by finding ways to short-sell the popular ‘cryptocurrency’ and another investment newsletter... Read more
Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017

Published by Jeffrey Mackie on Aug 16, 2017

On August 21st 2017, all of North America will experience a solar eclipse. Although Calgary isn’t in the ‘path of totality’, where the moon will pass directly in front of the sun, Calgarian's can still witness a significant partial eclipse with the moon... Read more