We often set aside articles that are longer, deserve a re-read, are broader in scope…or just for fun — for weekend reading. Below are some from this week — pour yourself a hot cup of coffee & enjoy...
The World Depends on 60-Year-Old Code No One Knows Anymore (PC Magazine)
It’s Time to Dismantle the Technopoly. As technology accelerates, we need to stop accepting the bad consequences along with the good ones (New Yorker)
Epic Fail. How a corporate duopoly ruined skiing (Slate)
Changes in Hospital Adverse Events and Patient Outcomes Associated With Private Equity Acquisition (JAMA)
The Human Development Index and related indices: what they are and what we can learn from them (Our World in Data)
Crime in the USA: A short primer and collection of basic descriptive facts (Patterns In Humanity)
What If Money Expired? (NOEMA)
What does the Cerebellum Do Anyway? Why do we need a whole other “little brain” to control these aspects of movement? (Rough Diamonds)
The Plight of the Eldest Daughter. Women are expected to be nurturers. Firstborns are expected to be exemplars. Being both is exhausting (The Atlantic)
How a 40-ounce cup turned Stanley into a $750 million a year business (CNBC)
Look for these 9 red flags to identify food that is ultra-processed (Washington Post)
What are you reading or listening to?