TouchStone Reads - June 2nd, 2023


We often set aside articles that are longer, deserve a re-read, are broader in scope…or just for fun — for weekend reading. Below are some from this week — pour yourself a hot cup of coffee & enjoy...

  • We See The Chinese As The Main Competitor, Not GM Or Toyota;” Ford CEO On EVs (Inside EVs)

  • The Man Who Invented the Trillion-Dollar Coin: He didn’t expect Washington to listen. (New York Magazine)

  • Is Apple’s weird headset the future? (Vox)

  • The Policy Paradox: The more obvious an idea is the less likely it will happen (Comment is Freed)

  • Jazz Struggles on Streaming, But Vinyl Sales Give the Genre Hope (Businessweek)

  • The King’s Dominion (The real Succession): His sons are at war. He’s divorced his fourth wife and broken an engagement to a would-be fifth. The jewel in what’s left of his crown faces a billion-dollar lawsuit. Will the division Rupert Murdoch spent his life fostering undo his empire? (Vanity Fair)

  • The death of ownership (Business Insider)

  • When digital nomads come to town (Rest Of World)

  • The End of the Music Business: A century of recorded music has culminated in the infinite archive of streaming platforms. But is it really better for listeners? (The Nation)

  • How Survives—and Thrives—in Amazon’s World (Wired)

  • The Ringer’s Streaming Guide: Who’s winning the Streaming Wars? (The Ringer)

What are you reading or listening to?