TouchStone Reads - January 13th, 2023


We often set aside articles that are longer, deserve a re-read, are broader in scope…or just for fun — for weekend reading. Below are some from this week — pour yourself a hot cup of coffee & enjoy...

  • The Most Important New Inflation Indicator: A New Way of Measuring Housing Inflation (Apricitas Economics)

  • Life Lessons from 1,000 Years: I asked a number of 90-year-olds a simple question: “If you could speak to your 32-year-old self, what advice would you give?” (Curiosity Chronicle)

  • 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2023 (MIT Technology Review)

  • Consumer Electronics Show 2023’s Wildest Highlights (CNET)

  • Your stuff is actually worse now: How the cult of consumerism ushered in an era of badly made products (Vox)

  • What Can We Learn from Barnes & Noble’s Surprising Turnaround? (Honest Broker)

  • What three years of China’s covid travel restrictions cost the world (Grid)

  • Extreme Acceleration Is the New Traffic Safety Frontier (Citylab)

  • The key lesson to learn from science’s greatest debate (Big Think)

What are you reading or listening to?