We often set aside articles that are longer, deserve a re-read, are broader in scope…or just for fun — for weekend reading. Below are some from this week — pour yourself a hot cup of coffee & enjoy...
The economics of Spotify (The Hustle)
The Year in Cheer (reasonstobecheerful)
Beware the FOMO Bullies of Technology (The Atlantic)
Buyout Deadlines: Hundreds of SPACs Face Shutdowns if They Can’t Deliver (Chief Investment Officer)
How We Broke the Supply Chain: (American Prospect)
Metaverse real estate sales top $500 million, and are projected to double this year (CNBC)
The Age of the Unique Baby Name Parents used to want kids to fit in. Now they want them to stand out. (The Atlantic)
The Secret History of Comic Book Imperialism (The Nation)
A new theory helps explain the epic mystery of bird migration (Vox)
Comedy’s existential crisis: (Vox)