We often set aside articles that are longer, deserve a re-read, are broader in scope…or just for fun – for weekend reading. Below are some from this week – enjoy & share...
Investing : The greatest Show on Earth. (Morgan Housel)
One year later: 15 ways life has changed since the onset of the COVID pandemic (Fortune)
Excel Never Dies The Spreadsheet That Launched A Million Companies. (Not Boring)
Charlie Munger Interview - 2021. (Novel Investor)
In defense of the misunderstood short seller (The Hill)
Why Anthropology Matters ( Why Anthropology Matters)
Institutions - Scott Galloway
What an interesting life: Steven Spurrier & the Judgment of Paris (New York Times)
Deforestation Drivers. (WP Content)
Ken Burns still has faith an a shared American story. (NYT Interview).
Florida Election Fraud - again. (NYT)
In recent decades many Americans have conflated liberty with selfishness, adopting the notion that freedoms are self-sustaining, that liberty is a birthright that no longer requires sacrifice or collective action.
- Scott Galloway
What are you reading or listening to?