We often set aside articles that are longer, deserve a re-read, are broader in scope…or just for fun – for weekend reading. Below are some from this week – pour yourself a hot cup of coffee & enjoy...
The Algebra of Wealth (No Mercy / No Malice)
Wall Street Short Sellers: Hated For Centuries (NPR)
The Gig Economy Is Coming for Millions of American Jobs (Businessweek)
It’ll Do: Impeachment did not prevail, but Trump still lost. (The Atlantic)
Norberg on how open societies facilitate progress (Twitter)
America’s billionaire philanthropists gave away more during the pandemic. But there’s a catch. (Vox)
Letter from an American (Substack)
Can you find the hidden images in these popular logos? The FedEx one is trippy. (Entrepreneur)
One way to get folks to have a vaccine shot. (reuters)
This Young Lady REALLY wants to go to the pub. (Twitter)
What are you reading or listening to?