Here’s a selection of what we’ve been reading…Best consumed with a hot cup of coffee/tea…
Edison ‘I have not failed – I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work’. The Dyson Electric Car gets shelved. (Bloomberg)
Interview with Malcolm Gladwell – Talking to Strangers (NYT)
Animal Training techniques for a happy marriage. (‘It’s never the animal’s fault’) One of the most emailed NYT articles ever.
Combatting misleading charts (Washington Post Business)
2019 Wildlife Photos of the Year (The Atlantic)
The bad things about early retirement that no one talks about... (Market Watch)
Podcasts to listen to…
The Mental Health Epidemic on College Campuses (NPR ‘Fresh Air’ podcast)
“How I Built This” – The Shopify story
(NPR “How I Built This” podcast)
What are you reading? – let us know…