Bracelet of Hope

Tracey Curtis from the Curtis Tenpenny Wealth Management Group visiting Lesotho, Africa with Bracelet of Hope in 2014
The Curtis Tenpenny Wealth Management Group is proud to support Bracelet of Hope, a grassroots organization that engages Canadian communities in the fight against HIV and AIDS in Lesotho, Africa where almost one in four people is infected by the virus. Our practice contributes to Bracelet of Hope annually through donations, attendance at the annual fundraiser and by supporting Tracey’s incredible work with the organization.
From Tracey:
“As a girl I lived in Africa for two years and have always felt a very strong desire to go back to help the community that left such a lasting impression on me. I am very fortunate to be involved with Bracelet of Hope, an organization committed to ending the AIDS pandemic in Lesotho, Africa. I am the chair of Bracelet of Hope and have been to Lesotho many times to meet and learn more about the community we are helping. Bracelet of Hope takes a holistic approach to addressing the pandemic by supporting health, homes and jobs. I’m so pleased that our practice supports Bracelet of Hope’s mission and my work with the organization.”
More about Bracelet of Hope:
Lesotho is a small country with an HIV prevalence rate of 23.8 per cent or about one in every four people. The organization works together with Basotho organizations on the front lines of the fight against HIV and AIDS. A new initiative taking shape is the support of six Mobile Health Units that will help the country’s marginalized rural population with medical support and HIV treatment.
Because so many people have died from AIDS in Lesotho, there are around 200,000 children who have lost one or both of their parents. Normally, family members care for children when their parents cannot but traditional support systems are being stretched due to the high number of orphans.
Bracelet of Hope is working with some very remarkable Basotho leaders who are finding ways to care for AIDS orphans and to enable them to stay in their own communities. The organization currently supports six foster homes to support growth, socio-economic development, and safe environments where children can experience a loving home, have access to healthcare, and receive an education.
There is a close interrelationship between poverty and HIV/AIDS. The organization’s work includes helping those affected to make a living so they have food, transportation and the necessary medicines to effectively treat the virus.
For the second year in a row, Bracelet of Hope’s Business-to-Business group travelled to Lesotho in October to help local business with workshops and mentoring. The group’s goal is to help connect local Canadian business owners with Lesotho business owners in a mutually rewarding spirit of cooperation.
To learn more about Bracelet of Hope, please visit