Our principles and process

DISCOVERY: Uncovering what is important to you through a comprehensive financial planning process

  • We believe that planning is at the core of everything we do. We want to get to know our clients on a personal level and stay up to date with their changing lives so we can offer the best possible advice now and for the future.
  • With over 50 years of combined financial planning experience and with every member of the team holding the Certified Financial Planning designation, the gold standard in the planning industry, we bring perspective and insight to help you simplify your financial life and set achievable goals for the future. 

ANALYSIS: Leveraging the strength of our team and your external advisors (accountants/lawyers) to build tangible recommendations

  • We work within our immediate team, leveraging the resources of Richardson Wealth’s extended team of experts including dedicated tax, estate and insurance specialists to carefully analyze your existing financial situation and create a comprehensive wealth plan. This plan becomes the bedrock of all our decisions including portfolio construction.

PORTFOLIO CONSTRUCTION: Using a disciplined approach to help navigate any market environment

  • While we do not know what will happen in the market tomorrow, we do know from experience that following the core principles of being well diversified, remaining disciplined in our convictions and investing in quality businesses for the long-term is the key to our clients’ success.
  • We use a combination of individual stocks, bonds, Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), pooled funds and alternative investments to create resilient portfolios that can be customized according to each of our client’s unique return requirements.
  • We believe in minimizing fees which position all our portfolios at or below industry averages.

REGULAR REVIEWS: Proactive and accessible advisors

  • Our goal is to work with a limited number of clients which allows us to provide high levels of proactivity, service and thoughtfulness in everything we do. Our promise is to grow our business at a pace which does not exceed our ability to provide the high level of service our clients expect.