Our expertise

We learn a lot from our clients. Every new question or challenge lets us re-examine what we do and how we can do it better. As our tech clients know well, efficiency comes from iterating on the fundamentals. In addition to working with clients, we’re also interested in growing our expertise through research and public education.

An innovative look at maximizing retirement income

Assumptions about retirement are being tested as low-interest rates, inflation, and longer retirements intersect. Many retirees are navigating and supporting their post-work life with individual savings plans rather than guaranteed pensions. It’s leading many to make difficult choices to ensure income longevity in retirement.

Alongside the University of Waterloo, we’ve devoted the past decade to researching this changing dynamic and engineering innovative solutions. Collectively, we’ve developed a process for retirees to convert assets into income that helps lower risk compared with approaches that use fixed withdrawals and constant stock exposure.

The core elements are:

  • A holistic approach to portfolio design that prevents over-reliance on specific securities like bonds or dividend stocks.
  • An adaptive portfolio that adjusts your stock exposure to track income goals.
  • Sensible risk measures to track progress and avoid premature erosion of capital.
  • Continuous guidance on sustainable income throughout retirement.

If you’re curious, you can learn more about our co-authored, peer-reviewed research papers.

Empowering clients through education

The rising interest in financial planning and investing has highlighted the gaps in financial literacy. We work with a cross-section of clients from different professional, age, and cultural backgrounds to empower them to better understand their finances and the link between the income they earn now and how their life looks in retirement.

Susan’s YouTube series “Your Money, Your Choices” expands on that work, bringing it to the general public with the next generation of wealth in mind. Susan started the series as a way to help millennials, like her sisters and friends, navigate the often noisy and information-dense world of personal finance. The series explores concepts such as retirement savings, education planning, budgeting, paying off debt.

You can learn more about the series here.