
Winding road

Retirement in Canada: past, present and future

April 22, 2024 | Graham Westmacott

In a recent white paper, we document how Canadians have experienced retirement over the past two decades. We draw from Statistics Canada data to understand the range of income, the type of income and how that income is spent. We also consider the changing pension landscape in Canada and how this impacts those currently planning for retirement. Read more

Rubber ducky with legs standing above a sea of rubber duckies

The Modern Tontine: Live Long and Prosper!

October 13, 2023 | Graham Westmacott

The modern tontine combines the risk pooling of defined benefit pension plans with the flexibility of a personal portfolio. We explain how it works and illustrate its use in retirement income planning. In conjunction with variable withdrawals and a changing asset allocation the modern tontine proves very effective at enhancing income while reducing the risk of shortfall. Modern tontines are already available to Canadian investors. Read more

Piggy bank under an umbrella

About Risk – Part 2

September 15, 2023 | Graham Westmacott

The opening sentence of Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina is “All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” might equally be applied to retirees where goals can be multilayered and risk management more complex than investors who are still saving. We consider what makes a happy retiree from a risk perspective. Read more

Cartoon - A New York drinking bar

About Mr. Market

July 14, 2023 | Graham Westmacott

Who is Mr. Market: is he just a guy at the bar or does he have superpower? After decades of scientific study and a few Nobel prizes we have some answers. Read more

Hand holding a smiley faced dice

About risk adjusted returns – What's the best portfolio for me?

October 11, 2023 | Graham Westmacott

Previously we have discussed risk and return. In this note we bring the two together to give some guidance to picking the mix of bonds and stocks that fit both your goals and your risk tolerance. Read more

A mouse risking the trapped cheese

About Risk

August 30, 2023 | Graham Westmacott

Risks are about the future, and they are everywhere: there is risk to your investment returns, risk to your retirement nest egg and risk to your retirement income. We show that selecting the appropriate risk measure can lead to better outcomes. This is the first of a two-part blog. Read more

Taking care of returns

About Rates of Return

June 15, 2023 | Graham Westmacott

The terms risk and return are so common that you would think they are clearly understood. Not so. In the first of a series covering the fundamentals of investing, we tackle investment rates of return first. Read more