Who we are

Cudmore Ross Wealth Management is one of the leading advisory teams in Canada, located in Prince Edward Island. Motivated, multidisciplinary and fleet-of-foot, our team also includes the best administrative professionals in the business.

At Cudmore Ross Wealth Management clients are not dependent on us. We are dependent on them. Clients are not an interruption in our work, they are the reason for it. We are not doing clients a favor by serving them. They are doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.


Stephen Cudmore BBA, CFP, FEA 

Senior Wealth Advisor, Branch Manager



I’m a lot like my dog, Jordie. He’s a Portuguese Water Dog, bred to herd fish into nets, retrieve lost tackle, and act as a courier from ship to ship or ship to shore. Jordie, like me, is indefatigable. He swims powerfully and he does not shed.  

Everything else about me is straightforward. I’ve been a wealth advisor since 1992, starting in Toronto, after an initial career in the grocery business. It was there that I learned about the importance of customer service, competitive pricing and human psychology.

People are people, however much they’re worth. They want respect, recognition and a fair hearing. Listening skills, which I have, are hard to teach. As is the capacity for client rapport. I can be outspoken, but that’s a reflection of my continuous quest for results.

Money isn’t funny. Making it and keeping it takes hard work, and experience. I earned my Canadian Securities designation with Honors, specializing in meeting the wealth management needs of high-net-worth families.

I’m certified in Financial Planning, Insurance and Estate planning, and Options Supervision. For over 10 years I was Vice President and Branch Manager for one of Canada’s largest bank owned investment dealers. 

In 2014, I became a Branch Manager of Richardson Wealth for Atlantic Canada ($1 billion+ in assets under administration) and currently manage one of the largest wealth management practices in Prince Edward Island, specialising – though not exclusively – in the needs of small business owners. 

In 2022, I earned my Family Enterprise Advisor designation (FEA). The FEA is one of the leading designations in the world for helping families of significant wealth navigate the complexities of transitioning that wealth to the next generation. I’m what they call a seasoned professional.

Though born in Halifax and raised in Prince Edward Island, my formative professional years were spent in Toronto. The pull of the PEI landscape, beaches and – most important – the people drew me back here in 1996. Since then, whatever residual Toronto pushiness I subconsciously acquired while working there has been progressively kicked out of me.

I’m active in the community, which I feel is both a pleasure and an obligation. A very successful client once told me that giving back is the rent we pay for the privilege of living here.

  • Past chair for the Fundraising committee for the Summerside Wellness Center.

  • Past chair of the Fundraising committee for the Summerside Rotary Inspire Learning Centre.

  • Past president of the Rotary Club of Summerside.

  • Past chair of the PEI Easter Seals Campaign.

  • Past board member of the Holland College Foundation.

  • Past Vice-President of the PEI Alpine Ski Team. 

  • Multiple Paul Harris Fellow in Rotary.

  • Long standing member of the Atlantic board of Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization.

  • Past Commodore of the Charlottetown Yacht Club.

  • Founder of the PEI Boating Festival.

I’m married to Michelle. We have two university age daughters Makena and Macy. As a family, we love skiing, sailing, hiking, travelling, and walking our Portuguese Water Dog – with whom I am occasionally confused.


Jonathan Ross BBA, PFP 

Senior Investment Advisor, Assistant Branch Manager



I wear a bow tie. It is an important clue both to my character and to the way I work. Like so much in successful wealth management, tying a bow tie requires the mastery of several delicate steps, all of which must be accomplished with the utmost dexterity. It is said that less than 1% of adult men know how to tie their own bow tie. I am one of them.

In the investment management business since 1999 and I partnered with Stephen Cudmore in 2004 to form Cudmore Ross Wealth Management. My responsibilities include, but are not limited to, selecting assets, implementing plans and monitoring investments to achieve our clients’ specified investment goals.

A Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Prince Edward Island, I am a recent graduate from the Securities Institute at the prestigious Wharton School of Business. 

I am active in the community:

  • Past president of the Hillsborough Rotary Club and multiple Paul Harris Fellow.

  • Past president of the PEI Community Foundation and chair of the Investments Committee.  

  • On the board of directors and board of management for the 2023 Canada Games host society.

  • President of the Charlottetown Executive Association.  

  • Past board member and chair of the provincial advisory board for Heart and Stroke Canada.

  • Past commodore of the Charlottetown Yacht Club and chair of Charlottetown race week for several years.

  • Charlottetown Citizen recognition award in 2012.

I live in Stratford with my wife Emma, and our two children, Dexter and Summer.


Julie Connolly 




In my over 25 years of professional experience in administration and client service, I have learned that while people might forget what you said or did, but they will never forget how you made them feel

In investment and wealth management the financial stakes are high. Working with a detail-oriented professional with a passion for accuracy is a source of great reassurance to clients who, quite rightly, expect nothing less than the best. Our clients' accountants also appreciate that, especially during tax reporting season!

In the financial industry since 2008, I have completed the Canadian Securities Course from the Canadian Securities Institute. In other words, I understand the content and the implications of the money issues I am working with our clients to administer. That competency helps move matters along briskly and efficiently. 

In my spare time I run. Prince Edward Island is wonderfully pastoral, with its rolling hills, pristine forests, white sand beaches, ocean coves and red soil, so running in my home environment is both a physical and spiritual experience. That’s how I unwind, re-charge and, most importantly, give back. I participate in:

  • The Run for the Cure.

  • Bowl for Kid’s Sake for Big Brothers Big Sisters of PEI.

  • The Children’s Wish Foundation. 

  • 100 Women Who Care, a non-for-profit organization focused on coordinating funding for local, community charitable organizations.

I don’t like to advertise the fact but – most days – I’d do my job for free.


Luanne Coady 




There are three fundamental skills necessary for successful administrative and project management: technical, human and organizational.

  1. You must understand the issues you’re handling. Like my colleague Julie, I have completed the Canadian Securities Course from the Canadian Securities Institute, so I do. I’m project proficient, particularly in tax management. Accountants like working with me and I like working with them.

  2. You must be able to function well with people, both those inside our practice and those visiting us. A talented administrator interacts with many individuals during a working day, including clients and colleagues. So-called soft skills count. I have them.

  3. You must be a skilled time-manager, adept at prioritizing tasks by deadline and being pro-active, adaptable, accountable and super-efficient, while never losing your cool.

I began working in the investment industry in 1998, joining Cudmore Ross Wealth Management in 2014. My job, above all, is to forge professionally productive yet never less than friendly relationships with all those with whom I deal.

Along with being known as a no-nonsense team member, I’m funny. I play practical jokes on people. Along with Jonathan, I am chief strategist for the annual Cudmore Ross Wealth Management April Fool’s Day escapade.