Investment Management
We serve high net worth clients. As such, we employ a similar approach to some of the worlds most sophisticated investors, such as the Yale Endowment Fund, the Harvard Endowment Fund and other very large pools of capital.
We utilize both public stocks and bonds, private equity and private debt as well as hard assets such as real estate and infrastructure.
Private Debt & Equity (for accredited investors only)
Most of our clients are entrepreneurs. As such, their wealth was made in private equity. As a result they are intimately familiar with the benefits of investing in this space.
However, in Canada very few investors access this investment category, simply because there are very few firms with expertise and options in this space.
We are one of those firms. Our capital markets group researches and makes available very high quality private debt, private equity, real estate, alternative, early-stage, and uncorrelated investments for our accredited high net worth clients.
Private markets have historically outperformed

Source: PitchBook, Global PitchBook Benchmarks, quarterly returns as of September 30, 2022. Annualized Returns. Private fund strategies are preliminary quarterly returns. Public index values are total return CAGRs.
While past performance is no guarantee of future results, historically a portfolio with a 20% exposure to this asset class can not only offer potentially higher returns, but also lower potential volatility.

Source: Cambridge Associates, U.S. Private Equity Index (Data as of 9/30/16), Bloomberg, Capital IQ, and Pomona Capital. Returns are based on actual quarterly returns. The U.S. Private Equity calculations use quarterly horizon pooled returns. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index and the S&P 500 calculations use total return index quarterly returns. Volatility is calculated based on rolling three-year periods over 20 years from October 1, 1996 to September 30, 2016. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.
An example of some of the companies we have access to (subject to them being in the capital raising mode) are:
For more a more detailed analysis of the benefits of alternative investments in your portfolio click here.
To listen to a podcast on this topic click here.