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Do You Need a Family Financial Summit?

Published by Andrew D. Masson on May 30, 2024

A Family Financial Summit might be a new concept for many of you, so let’s start by defining it before delving into whether or not you need it. Essentially, it’s a family meeting that allows for the sharing of financial values and goals.... Read more
The Value of Financial Advice

Published by Andrew D. Masson on May 15, 2024

There's growing evidence of the value that financial advisors bring to the table, beyond investment management. This concept, often referred to as "Advisor Alpha," has been championed by Vanguard and does a great job illustrating the many hats a financial... Read more
How a Financial Advisor Can Help Lower Your Tax Bill

Published by Andrew D. Masson on Apr 29, 2024

Tax planning is a vital part of any wealth management strategy, but reducing your tax burden isn’t always a straightforward process, especially for individuals with more complicated returns. Careful planning can help minimize your tax liability leavi... Read more
The Never-ending Pursuit of Money

Published by Andrew D. Masson on Apr 15, 2024

What would it be like to be ultra-wealthy? Would it mean homes in Hawaii and Paris? Do you envision sailing a luxury yacht across the Mediterranean? The mindset of accumulating wealth is deeply ingrained in most of our psyches. It’s important in the... Read more
How Small Businesses Can Leverage AI Today

Published by Andrew D. Masson on Mar 25, 2024

One of the most significant developments in recent technology is the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). When you ask ChatGPT (a leading AI program) what that means, it says “these computer systems are designed to mimic human intelligence, including... Read more
5 Easy Ways to Protect Seniors from Financial Abuse

Published by Andrew D. Masson on Mar 06, 2024

Technology has helped to streamline the way we manage our money, allowing us to perform transactions and monitor our accounts online, instead of needing to do everything in-person. These tools are simple to use, getting better every year, and don’t cost... Read more
Your New Identity in Retirement

Published by Andrew D. Masson on Feb 15, 2024

Retirement isn’t just about financial readiness; it's a profound change that can lead to identity crises. We frequently intertwine our professional roles with our personal identities, and when we retire, there's a challenge in redefining oneself.... Read more
Retirees, What’s Your Withdrawal Strategy?

Published by Andrew D. Masson on Jan 31, 2024

There are a number of ways you can go about withdrawing money in retirement. As always, it helps to get advice from a trusted financial advisor, but it never hurts to educate yourself on some options beforehand.... Read more
Finding the ideal place to live in retirement

Published by Andrew D. Masson on Mar 29, 2023

Planning for retirement is rife with big questions — not just how you want to spend your golden years, but where? For some, retirement offers the opportunity to spend more time with family; for others, it’s the chance to venture into a different climate... Read more
Instilling financial values in your family

Published by Andrew D. Masson on Mar 15, 2023

Over the next few years, experts estimate that as much as 1 trillion dollars will change hands as part of what has become known as the “great wealth transfer.”1 This shift in multigenerational wealth represents a huge opportunity for future generations... Read more