Astute and dedicated wealth leadership 

“The protection of your wealth is as important as growing it”

For nearly 30 years I have provided wealth management services built on trust and expertise to prominent Canadian families, retirees, small corporations and institutions.

Every investor brings unique biases, goals, objectives and life circumstances to the management of their wealth.

By providing a framework and acting as your financial CEO I and my team will partner with you to ensure all aspects of your wealth work in unison harmonizing your investment, tax, insurance and estate planning needs. The end result is a common-sense, wealth-enhancing investment solution for discerning investors seeking peace of mind in an increasing complex world.

Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can create a personalized financial strategy that resonates with you and your family.


“It takes a great deal of boldness, mixed with a vast amount of caution, to acquire a fortune. But it takes ten times as much wit to keep it” — The Yellow Kid by Joseph R. Wells

Read on to discover more about our vision and how we can work together to achieve financial peace of mind.

Wooden walkway over windy field

Tax & Estate Planning


Learn about strategies to help protect and enhance your wealth from our Tax & Estate Planning professionals.


2024 year-end tax planning checklist

Make some key tax-planning and time sensitive steps before the end of the year and early in the new year to make a positive impact on your overall finances.

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Train arriving, symbolizing timely insights

Market research


Get the latest market insights and trends from our internal research experts.

Market Ethos

25 November 2024
Gold lost its lustre?
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18 November 2024
Bonds: Where’s the love?
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Investor Strategy

November 2024
Halloween puts a scare in markets
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