Working with you

Wealth is highly personal and linked to so much of what you experience. It’s always changing through the stages of life, be it mid-career, retirement or estate planning, and it requires an individual approach.

Our clients are diverse. They range from entrepreneurs, professionals, business owners, high net-worth families and institutional investors, all balancing life’s milestones with professional and personal growth. Our clients are transferring wealth and planning for retirement. They’re preparing for the next generation and planning their legacy. Their lives are financially and logistically complex and they’re looking for simplicity. That’s where we come in.

From our first connection, we’re working to understand you and your needs. We get to know the things that drive you – the ways you want to spend your retirement, the legacy you want to leave, the decisions of your everyday – to design a financial and investment plan that can grow with you. 

There are several stages involved in working with you:


Equal parts aspirational and pragmatic, this phase is where we lay a foundation for our relationship. We have a conversation about your needs, goals, and vision for the future. It gives us a chance to build a complete picture of your world and start to understand the unique elements of your plan. 


Once we have an idea of where you want to be, we gather the details and documentation necessary to see the big picture. It’s critical work which will allow the planning to flow. When the paperwork is signed and the relationship is formalized, we begin to assemble the pieces of your plan.


Our experienced team works together to design a strategy that meets your goals and moves you closer to achieving what you envision for your future. We’re comprehensive in our approach, considering everything from financial strategies and the securities in your investment portfolio to tax, estate and philanthropic planning. The plan is personal and unique to you. 


Once we’ve agreed on the plan, we then move forward with transferring funds and aligning your investments with your goals. This is a team approach and an important step in building our relationship.


Your plan isn’t static. Life changes and so do your goals and aspirations. Through regular reviews and check-ins, we ensure your plan is evolving in step with your life.

Reach out to learn more about our collaborative approach to wealth planning and how we can help you enjoy your life and achieve your vision for the future.