Thoughtful wealth guidance with a personalized approach unique to your financial situation – We welcome you

At Milne Advisory Group, we recognize the intrinsic connection between your financial well-being and your overall well-being. Wealth touches every aspect of your life, it’s there in some shape or form within every decision you make. It can be complex and challenging. But the choices surrounding wealth are driven by simple ideas: What do you need to feel secure and empowered in your financial decisions?

And from our perspective: how can we play a meaningful role in helping you achieve that sense of empowerment?



For 25 years, we’ve advised individuals, families and business owners through these decisions. We’ve supported them as they celebrate life’s beautiful milestones like the growth of their family or the transition into retirement and we’ve advised them through the disorientation of the unexpected as they make sense of illness, loss and divorce. We’re drawn to professionals, women, and retirees and the unique needs they face as they navigate life and finances.

We look at things from a place of deep compassion and empathy. As a discretionary investment team, we want you to feel confident in our choices, and, to get there, we know you need to trust that we understand you – your wants, your needs, the things you’re proud of and those that make you feel insecure. It’s all interconnected, which is why we are holistic in our approach. Every part of your portfolio directly aligns with your goals and every decision we point you toward reflects the wider vision you have for your life.

Drawing from our expertise in capital markets, portfolio management and financial planning as well as tapping into Richardson Wealth’s in-house team of insurance, philanthropy, tax and estate planners, we help you build a plan not for the future, but for your future.

Life stages

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Babies & raising children   Career & accumulation   Divorce   Retirement   Elder & aging parents   Legacy

At Milne Advisory Group, we’re here to nurture your sense of financial well-being and support you at every life stage. We’re here to empower you and your wealth.

Train arriving, symbolizing timely insights

Market research


Get the latest market insights and trends from our internal research experts.

Market Ethos

26 August 2024
Bond buyers can be so sensitive
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19 August 2024
The Energy disconnect
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Investor Strategy

August 2024
No summer doldrums
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Wooden walkway over windy field

Tax & Estate Planning


Learn about strategies to help protect and enhance your wealth from our Tax & Estate Planning professionals.


Should you help your adult child buy a house?

Your children may have the income to cover the cost of mortgage payments & home upkeep, but more parents are giving their kids financial gifts for a down payment in today's housing market. Should you?

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Conversations on wealth: Podcast

Listen here


Conversations on Wealth is a podcast series dedicated to helping Canadians navigate the complexities of wealth through a multi-dimensional approach to planning and wealth management.

Listen to the latest episodes here.