Photo: Ashley

Ashley Carruthers CFP®, EPC, CIM®, CEA, CLU®
Senior Investment Advisor, Senior Wealth Advisor, Portfolio Manager

I’ve been told that my brain is a steel trap. Yes, it drives my family and friends crazy at times. I do know that our clients really appreciate my attention to detail. I love learning about our clients’ life stories and being a part of their journey.

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Photo: Fabi

Fabiane Gaion

When it comes to financial planning and investment management, there’s a lot going on. I’m here to make sure our clients never feel overwhelmed. 

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We are equity owners, giving us a voice in the direction of the firm, which is focused on always putting our clients’ interest first.

Our team is supported by the substantial resources and expertise of Richardson Wealth, one of the most trusted names in Canadian wealth management, with a legacy spanning over 85 years.
  Richardson Wealth logo
Assets under
administration over
$35 billion
158 Advisory Teams in 22 offices across Canada
Servicing 31,000 families
Supporting you through all life’s stages.


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