Stable and steadfast

A different approach to wealth management.

Slow and steady wins the race. While saving for retirement isn’t exactly a competitive sport, the adage holds true for what will get you across the finish line.

At the Christensen Filion Team, we think differently about investing. And our clients do too. Generating the highest possible return is not our goal. Growing your wealth steadily without losing it is our focus — and our strength. We specialize in creating highly predictable return strategies for investors interested in making money regardless of market behavior.

We follow a set of clearly defined, carefully measured steps to help you reach your investment goals. Drawing on an extensive range of investment types, tax and estate planning strategies, and insurance offerings, we help you manage risk in all aspects of your life, so your investment path remains clear and comfortable.

Wooden walkway over windy field

Tax & Estate Planning


Learn about strategies to help protect and enhance your wealth from our Tax & Estate Planning professionals.


Should you help your adult child buy a house?

Your children may have the income to cover the cost of mortgage payments & home upkeep, but more parents are giving their kids financial gifts for a down payment in today's housing market. Should you?

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Train arriving, symbolizing timely insights

Market research


Get the latest market insights and trends from our internal research experts.

Market Ethos

26 August 2024
Bond buyers can be so sensitive
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19 August 2024
The Energy disconnect
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Investor Strategy

September 2024
Don’t go down
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