Our services

Our approach to security analysis

Performing stock analysis based on fundamentals such as balance sheets, price-to-earnings ratios and debt-to-equity ratios, and also analyzing charts that measure a stock’s performance over time, we combine left- and right-brained thinking. The sector you invest in, or the valuation method that you choose to employ, can account for more than 50% of your returns. Sectors and methodologies go in and out of favour and have a large influence on the performance of equities you choose.

Personal wealth. Even the most risk-tolerant individuals need to ensure long-term stability with capital growth through a predictable wealth management strategy. We liaise closely with wealth management experts who construct financial strategies to address our clients’ financial needs for every life stage.

Disciplined Leadership™ Strategy. One of our preferred investment tools is Barometer Capital’s Disciplined Leadership™ strategy, which builds and protects wealth through a disciplined buy/sell strategy. It identifies key underlying trends at play in the market, our ability to make tactical use of cash and places emphasis on capital preservation.

Corporate wealth management. Having owned and operated our own practice for many years, we know the challenges business owners face in dealing with banks, employees, growth, and working capital. We can assist you with Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), secondary offerings, investment banking, and mergers and acquisitions.

Tax minimization. Through the informed use of tax-advantaged products, we specialize in seeking significant tax reductions for individuals and corporations. We will liaise with your tax accountant to ensure that our efforts are coordinated and that you obtain all the tax advantages to which you are entitled.

Trust and transparency. Through a client questionnaire and personal interviews, we establish each investor’s true risk tolerance level. This builds greater trust and gives us the freedom to tailor truly personalized financial plans that best suit client needs. Our asset-based fees are negotiated upfront based on the level of maintenance each account requires as well as the kind of returns we have been able to yield.


*Applies to non-RRSP accounts only.